So who is Michelle?

My Professional Bio

Michelle is a HR Specialist, Visibility Business Coach, Certified Master NLP Practitioner and award-winning International TEDx Speaker on a mission to make the inVisible Visible!

Michelle helps professionals around the world gain absolute CLARITY, upgrade their CONFIDENCE, create CONSISTENCY and CONTINUAL growth within their business.

My business journey

My career started when I was made redundant but although it gave me the idea to consider starting my own business, the real fire under my wings came because of a very personal incident. I was married to a man who was accused and later arrested for the most heinous crimes imaginable against children. This rocked my world like nothing else could. Following newspaper headline and TV news depicting my husband’s story in front of the world and almost having my daughter taken away from me, I fell into depression. After some time, well some years, I had a wake-up call.

I was given a chance to forget the past and make something of myself for me and for my daughter. I was already really keen on running my own business from the time I was made redundant but knowing that my daughter needed a least one decent role model, I was energised and motivated to do this alone. Whilst working part time as a HR Manager and offering services to other companies in my spare time, I decided to hand in my notice and do this thing, called business the proper way.

And here I am, more than 4 years later running a succesful HR and Coaching Consultancy!

5 things you didn’t know about me

  1. I am a backing vocalist and have sang around the world for artists such as James Brown, Rod Stewart and Madonna
  2. I was in a movie called Ragtime at the age of 4 years old
  3. I was on a UK show with my family called ‘Family Fortunes’ in 2013 under the name The Williams-Silvera and we won!
  4. I am married to Thai, I’ve a brother from Vietnam and a sister from Eretria
  5. I won The Voice of the Sea in 2017 whilst holidaying in Dubai and became a mini celebrity in Italy
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